Taming the supply chain beast is OTTO’s specialty…

Average annual savings achieved for our clients on supplies is 14.9%. Stuff just costs less on OTTO.
Then we add even more dollars to the bottom line by shaving several thousand man-hours off the time your organization spends ordering and managing order problems.
That’s because every client is assigned a concierge supply chain manager who is the single point of contact for all things supply chain related.
How many vendors are in your supply chain? Ten…20…30…more?
OTTO is a single, powerful software platform where every item you buy is available…either sold to you by drs4drs at lower prices or hosted for you from another source.
Medical, lab, pharma, office, equipment, technology, furnishings, janitorial, food and beverage…there is nothing OTTO doesn’t offer.
One place, one process, one transaction - for everything.
All buying flows through OTTO where every transaction and every detail is yours to control.
The size and content of your catalog, what products are visible to each person, who orders, how often, per order spend limits, approval chains before orders are released, what items can be substituted for back-ordered products,
With OTTO, there are no supply chain surprises - because you’re in control.
The question bears repeating - how many vendors are in your supply chain? The number of vendors = the number of data sets you need to obtain.
Then you need to merge, mesh, combine and manipulate them in an effort to fully understand and manage your costs.
When all buying is done in a single place on a single platform with OTTO, data is at your fingertips. About everything. At every location. In every category.
That’s power. Over your supply chain.
“I’ll just say it – I’m not sure we would function as well without drs4drs at this point. With operations in 20 states, there are a LOT of moving parts to our supply chain. You make it possible for us to control and understand every one of them. You’ve reduced costs, given us predictability, efficiency and simplicity, and every bit of data is in one place. Plus you’ve cut internal supply chain man hours by thousands a year. It’s incredible. Why wouldn’t everyone do this.”